The most suitable solution for the creation of a quality industrial floor will not be the same, depending on your industry. It is indeed essential to select the product(s) adapted to your production constraints (cleaning products, temperature, traffic intensity, risk of shocks…), to ensure the durability of your floors. You will thus limit to the strict minimum the production stops for maintenance and repair.

To know the range of products adapted to your needs, click on your industry below to discover our selection.

Our sales team remains at your disposal to check the concordance between your needs / production constraints and the product references you will select thanks to this selection guide.


Wine industries, fruit juices, waters 

Boissons - Industries vinicoles - Brasseries - Jus de fruit - Eaux
Viandes / poissons - Abattoirs - Salles de découpe - Triperies - Poissonneries - Fabrication de steaks hachés - Salaisons


Slaughterhouses, cutting room, trimmings, production of hash steaks, cured meats, poissonneries

Fabricants d'arôme et industries chimiques et pharmaceutiques


(individual or collective)